The City Council is considering the introduction of 20mph speed limits on the city’s roads to improve safety and reduce collisions. As their decision will affect everyone who lives, works, shops, visits or travels in the city, I welcome the opportunity to respond as the MP for Birmingham Northfield.
The consultation asks for views on the principles of 20mph speed limits, and the type of locations where they are to be implemented. My response focuses on the need to properly consider specific contexts and conduct safety assessments to determine how to most effectively reduce collisions and actively make roads safer.
20mph zones can be useful components in safer road strategies but they are not a ‘silver bullet’ for improving road safety. The goal of Birmingham’s road safety strategy should be to build and manage safer roads and save lives, not to reduce speeds as an end point in itself.
You can read my response here: 201311 – Richard Burden MP – Bham Speed Consultation
The consultation is open untill 29 November 2013 and you can have your say by completing the online survey.