
Shocking A&E waiting times in Birmingham show you can’t trust the Tories with the NHS


This week data from NHS England shows that the Queen Elizabeth Hospital A&E which serves the Northfield constituency has missed the target of seeing 95% of patients within four hours in 28 out of the last 30 weeks. This is a crisis that has started on the Government’s watch. When Labour left office, 98% of patients in A&E were seen within four hours. But since 2010 the number of people waiting...

Birmingham Made Me – innovation needs to reach outskirts


At a Birmingham Made Me panel discussion on "the regional sustainable economic model" today I had one key point to make. Alongside other MPs, business leaders and policy makers, I wanted to stress that the exciting creative economy emerging in Birmingham must unlock growth and innovation across the city- and reach places like Northfield, Longbridge and Frankley if we are all to prosper.

Giving Young People a Passport to Parliament


Last week I met over 35 children and young people from within the care system in the Midlands. Alongside other regional MPs Steve McCabe and Craig Whittaker , local councillors, The Children’s Commissioner for England and social work professionals, we discussed whether young people in care are receiving everything they are legally entitled to. 'Passport to Parliament' aims to engage young people...

Ask Me Anything: Put your questions to me live on Facebook & Twitter!


My first ever ‘Ask Me Anything’ session will be held on my Facebook & Twitter pages at 5.30 - 6.30 pm on Tuesday 5th June 2013 . I will be online, waiting to give live answers to questions from anyone who posts on my Facebook or Twitter pages during the hour. The intention is to give all the people of Birmingham Northfield the opportunity to ask a Member of Parliament any question about what I...

Coalition Silence on the Economy


At the State opening of Parliament last week, Her Majesty presented the Government’s priorities for the year ahead. Outlined in just eight minutes, the Coalition’s programme of work included bills on issues from immigration to local audits. But something rather big was missing. The economy. On Wednesday, we saw that there are precisely 200 more young people in our community long term unemployed...

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Richard Burden

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I was Labour Member of Parliament for Birmingham Northfield between 1992 and 2019 and a former Shadow Transport Minister. I now chair Healthwatch in Birmingham and Solihull, and the West Midlands Board of Remembering Srebrenica. I also work as a public affairs consultant. I am an effective community advocate and stakeholder alliance builder with a passion for human rights. I am a trustee of the Balfour Project charity and of Citizens Advice Birmingham, and a former Chair of Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Get in touch

You can reach me by email at or use the form on the Contact page to send me a message.