I have just sent the below letter of resignation to Jeremy Corbyn.
I have done so with a heavy heart. Jeremy is a friend and someone who I have worked with for many years. However, I hope the attached letter of resignation sets out why I believe the current situation has become untenable and cannot be allowed to continue any longer.
You can also find links below to copies of the letter I sent to members and supporters yesterday, and an article I wrote during last year’s leadership election. I hope these also help explain the context for my decision.
I know some of you will support my decision. Others will not. At the end of the day, however, I have to be true to myself and that is why I have submitted my resignation.
My email to constituents yesterday: http://goo.gl/Q0js4k
My article on the Labour Leadership contest, Aug 2015:http://goo.gl/OAH3xK