I was very concerned to see, via Facebook, that parking charges were introduced late last week for the parking spaces available outside the Bull’s Head pub on Kings Norton Green.
A number of local residents had been ticketed as they had parked there without realising that these charges had been introduced, and that they were subject to a fine of £50.
I raised the issue with Birmingham City Council’s Highways Department, and they have confirmed that these charges should not have been introduced as the area is public highway rather than privately owned. The parking company responsible are to remove the signs within the next 24 hours.
Have you been affected by this or know someone who has? If so, please get in touch with me. I am liaising with the parking company to ensure constituents are repaid any monies and are not followed up for payment.
Many thanks to Pauline Weaver and Gemma Harris for bringing this to my attention.
Please do get in touch on 0121 477 7746 or via email: burdenr@parliament.uk