Lots of residents get in touch with me about anti-social behaviour problems. This can cover anything that reduces local people’s quality of life and causes them distress – and it can vary from abandoned vehicles and litter, to noisy and rowdy behaviour outside your home. These things are not minor nuisances – I know they often leave people feeling completely helpless and desperate.
I regularly liaise with the Police, Birmingham City Council’s Housing Team, the Birmingham Safer Communities Partnership and Environmental Health to tackle these issues. I’ve helped hundreds of people with anti-social behaviour (ASB) problems in the past and I know it can take time, patience and determination to solve them. So it was great to be contacted about a “good news” story about ASB.
A local resident got in touch with me to say that thanks to the work of the Anti-Social Behaviour team at the Council – and their work with West Midlands Police, Environmental Health Services and The Brave Project – her family can now stay in their own home. She has lived next door to severe noise, abuse and damage for over 12 years, which has been making her family’s life a misery and left them feeling vulnerable and alone. After reaching out to the Council the relevant agencies have made a successful intervention and the situation with the neighbours has now been resolved. I join her in praising their work, which has ensured that she and her family finally feel safe in their home.
My constituent has said “problems such as these cannot be solved overnight, but most of us just want a fair outcome and to feel comfortable at home.” I couldn’t have put it better myself. Do you have any anti-social behaviour issues you would like to raise with me? If so please do get in touch.