As the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Electoral Reform I am very pleased to be able to announce the publication of the Review of Voting Systems (Condensed) which the Group has just published with the help of the Electoral Reform Society.
The APPG on Electoral Reform exists to foster discussion on, and support the cause of, electoral reform. I am keen that it is voters themselves, and not just politicians, who debate our democracy and our voting system. In January of this year the Government published their own Review of Voting Systems – we welcomed this but were concerned by the lack of public debate and awareness surrounding it.
This report by the APPG considerably condenses the Government document, accurately presenting its findings as well as offering our own view on the way forward.
I very much hope you find this a useful publication and are able to use it to widen this vital debate to others.
You can read a copy of the report online here and you can find out more about the work of the APPG on Electoral Reform on our new website: