Just over two weeks ago, Labour members and supporters -old and new - met at the Factory Youth Centre in Longbridge to discuss our victory in Birmingham Northfield, our defeat nationally and the challenges and opportunities facing Labour over the coming five years. Workshops were on themes ranging from low pay to housing; from children and young people to the economy and the role of the private …
I have been contacted by many people over the past few weeks about my nomination for the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Make no mistake, this has been a big decision and it is one I have thought very closely about.
This week I listened to David Cameron set out his ‘One Nation’ Queen’s Speech for ‘working people’. After having heard him deliver it, I’m not convinced that the Prime Minister quite understands what either of those phrases mean.
Join the local party and help shape Labour’s future. If you were one of the 17,000+ local voters who supported my re-election, from a £1 a year you can become a Labour member. Everyone who has been involved in the last few weeks knows there was a real buzz about our successful campaign here in Birmingham Northfield and that there was a real sense of shared purpose. Across the country …
I am very concerned with the huge amount of money that big companies avoid paying in taxes. This is not just a problem here in the UK but across the world. Countries are losing billions each year and the impact of globalisation has made it ever more difficult to pin down dodgers. The UK tax code is very extensive and technical. The loopholes which companies exploit are technically legal and when …
We all know how fed up people can be with the way the world of politics can seem. Often it can feel like political parties are speaking a different language and bombarding you with buzz words. In 2010, at the last general election 40% of those eligible chose not to vote at all in our constituency. That’s why I need your help. I need your help to help me reach all those people who are not engaged …