Public Discussion with Richard Burden MP
6.30pm, 29 January 2015
Northfield Baptist Church, 789 Bristol Road South, Northfield, B31 2NQ
I know that many people in this area want politicians to talk about immigration. And so we should. It is a really important issue for local people.
People are concerned about the management of immigration, and they are worried about the impact it can have on lots of things – from jobs and wages, to public services like the NHS and housing.
I know what people want is open and honest discussion. That means talking about the mistakes political parties – including my own – have made in the past. It also means busting some of the myths that surround the issue, and setting out how immigration policy will be fair for the future. But above all, it means really listening to people’s views.
That’s why I am inviting residents of the Northfield area at an event early in the New Year to discuss immigration. It’s also why I have developed a survey so I can hear local people’s views and concerns about the issue. You can complete it here. I will be sharing the results of this survey at the public meeting in January, where I look forward to having an in-depth discussion about the issues people have raised.
I know from the many local people that talk to me about immigration on the doorstop, through emails, letters, and on social media that there are many different views in our area. Whatever view you hold I want to involve you in the discussion.
To secure your place please complete the survey, call my office on 0121 477 7746, or email me at
If you are unable to come along, please do spare a moment to complete the survey – as it will really help me to represent the views and concerns of local people on this important matter.